Great Conjunction 2020

List of stream links from India and abroad. India (18:00 IST) IIA-Hanle: Dorje Angchuk and Chriphin Karthick Khagol Mandal, Mumbai: Abhay Deshpande Nehru Planetarium, Delhi : Rathnashree ASI Public Outreach Jyotirvidya Parisanstha, Pune. JN Planetarium, Bengaluru Germany (21:00 IST) – Live observations with explanations from the public observatory Munich: – Livestream from LWL-Planetarium Münster featuring […]

Samanta Chandrasekhar Challenge

A Crosstaff for a Conjunction A call for the Samanta Chandrasekhar Challenge By now, many may have heard about the upcoming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, on the 21st of December 2020. A very useful article in this connection, by Arvind Paranjpye, Director, Nehru Planetarium, Mumbai, is here He discusses in detail, about […]