14th February 2020

Friday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 14:15 – 15:45
Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, C. V. Raman Hall
Stars, ISM and the Galaxy I [Chairperson: Bhaswati Bhattacharyya]
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
Aru Beri X-ray Binaries as observed with AstroSat (I) 30
Yash Bhargava Shots of Cyg X-1 15
Sneha Prakash Mudambi Spectro-timing properties of MAXI J1820+070 during rising phase of its outburst using AstroSat 15
Samir Mandal Study of black hole X-ray transients to understand accretion dynamics 15
Neelam Panwar Stellar and substellar mass objects in nearby clusters 15

Friday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 14:15 – 15:45
(Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, Ramanujan Hall)
Extragalactic Astronomy I [Chairperson: Suchetana Chatterjee]
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
Mousumi Das The Dynamical Mass Distribution in Galaxy Disks and its Implications for Outer Disk Star Formation (I) 30
Chaitra A Narayan Corrugations in dust lanes of edge-on disk galaxies 15
Narendra Nath Patra Detection of a slow HI bar in the dwarf irregular galaxy DDO 168 15
Smriti Mahajan Red spiral galaxies in GAMA 15
Souvik Manna Low radio frequency spatially resolved studies of nearby galaxies 15

Friday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 14:15 – 15:45
Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, Class Room 1
General Relativity and Cosmology I [Chairperson: Jasjeet Singh Bagla]
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
Tarun Souradeep LIGO-India: a mega-science (ad) venture underway 30
Koustav Chandra Search Sensitivity of IMBHB systems in the gravitational wave window 20
Surajit Kalita Continuous gravitational wave from magnetized compact objects 20
Sangita Chatterjee Impact of accretion disk on the gravitational wave-profile emitted from binary merger. 20
Friday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 14:15 – 15:45
Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, Class Room 2
Instrumentation and Techniques I [Chairperson: Ravinder K. Banyal]
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
Dipankar Banerjee Status update on Aditya-L1 and NLST (I) 30
S. Seetha AstroSat operations and a few recent results (I) 30
Debi Prasad Choudhary Spectrograph-based Dual-channel Solar Imaging Spectrometer 15
Raja Bayanna Ankala Adaptive Optics System for Multi-Application Solar Telescope at Udaipur Solar Observatory 15

Friday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 16:15 – 17:45
Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, C. V. Raman Hall
Stars, ISM and the Galaxy II [Chairperson: Blesson Mathew]
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
Manash Samal Insights into the structure of Galactic molecular clouds and star formation within them with the study of bipolar HII regions (I) 30
Prachi Prajapati Investigating Particle Acceleration in the Wolf–Rayet Bubble G2.4+1.4 15
Rakesh Pandey Stellar cores in the Sh 2-305 H II region 15
Piyali Saha A census of young stellar population associated with the Herbig Be star HD 200775 15
Naval Kishor Bhadari Filament with End-Dominated collapse in the monoceros R! complex 15

Friday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 16:15 – 17:45
Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, Ramanujan Hall
Extragalactic Astronomy II [Chairperson: C. S. Stalin]
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
Suchetana Chatterjee The Co-Evolution of Supermassive Black Hole with Galaxies and Dark Matter in the Universe (I) 30
Ritaban Chatterjee Multi-Band X-ray Variability of the Blazar Mrk 421 Using AstroSat 15
Bhuvana G. R. Spectral and timing analysis of LMC X-1 using AstroSat 15
Tushar Mondal Ultra-luminous X-ray sources as magnetically powered advective flows around black holes 15
Akriti Sinha Multi-wavelength Study of Radio Deep Field: ELAIS N1 15

Friday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 16:15 – 17:45
Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, Class Room 1
General Relativity and Cosmology II [Chairperson: Harvinder Kaur Jassal]
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
Karthik Rajeev Generalized Schwinger effect and particle production in an expanding universe 15
Prateek Gupta The diffusive shock acceleration efficiency and magnetic field strength in radio relics, using numerical modeling and simulation 15
Joseph P J Low-energy modified gravity signatures on the large-scale structures 15
Suvedha Naik The Impact of Primordial Power Spectrum with Features on Cosmological 21 cm Signal 15
Nobleson K


Louise Rebecca Planckian Pre Big Bang Phase of the universe 15

Tuesday, 14 February, 2020
Time: 16.15 - 17.45
Venue: IISER, Tirupati campus, Class Room 2
Special session on Astronomy Teaching
Speaker Title Time in Minutes
D. J. Saikia Opening remarks 5
Nand Kumar Chakradhari Learning from the experiences at Pt. R S University Raipur for spreading astronomy teaching 7
Smriti Mahajan Analyzing data on galazies as classroom exercises 7
Asoke Sen On spreading astronomy teaching in the country 7
K. Indulekha and Priya Hasan Open Discussion 20
Anshuman Borgohain, Anusree K. G., Avyarthana Ghosh, Jaikhomba Singha Mini Session : Voices from the Young - Will share students experiences, expectations and make suggestions 25+5
Manjari Bagchi, Chaitra Narayan, Manoj Puravankara, Sarita Vig Mini Session : On making on-line courses in Astronomy and Astrophysics-
Who have all contributed to the ARPIT courses on Astronomy and Astrophysics will share experiences, critique what has been done and make suggestions