It is our pleasure to share with you that the 41st Meeting of the ASI will be held from 1-5th of March 2023.

The meeting will be hosted by the Department of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore. This time we will have a total of four workshops on the first day i.e. on the 1st of March 2023.

We invite you to be a part of this largest meeting of professional astronomers in India, present your own work, learn about the exciting new developments and scientific results across various disciplines of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and attend one of the topical 1-day workshops of your choice. The meeting is open to all ASI members, as well as Researchers and Students in Astronomy & Astrophysics or related areas, affiliated to Research Institutions/Universities/Colleges.

Details of how to register are available on the ASI 2023 website -

The abstract submission starts today (10th Oct 2022) and the deadline for the abstract submission is 30th Nov 2022. The information on the registration fee can be found on the link. The registration fee covers lunch and dinner at the venue of the meeting and includes attendance at one workshop of your choice, subject to selection. The subjects of the workshops are listed below.

Workshop 1 - Rubin LSST: Introductory Workshop
Workshop 2 - Machine Learning in Astronomy
Workshop 3 - Origin and Evolution of Solar Eruptive Phenomena: Observations, Modeling and Sun-Earth Connection
Workshop 4 - Science with MACE: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Look forward to seeing you at ASI 2023.