Congratulations to Dr. Anupam Bhardwaj and Dr. Joe Philip Ninan, the joint recipients of the Professor M. K. Vainu Bappu Gold Medal for the year 2024.

1. About the award

The Astronomical Society of India (ASI) has instituted a fund in the memory of Professor M. K. Vainu Bappu. Prof. Bappu was an Indian Astronomer known for the discovery of Wilson-Bappu effect, was the first president of the ASI and president of the International Astronomical Union and laid the foundation of modern Astronomy and telescope facilities in India. The award was instituted with the objectives to promote knowledge of Astronomy and Astrophysics and honour the contributions made by young scientists, not beyond 35 years of age, from any part of the world, in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. There is an age relaxation of 3 yrs for women candidates, with an upper age limit of 38 years.

As a token of appreciation of the scientist's contribution to astronomy and astrophysics, the Astronomical Society of India awards the Professor M.K. Vainu Bappu Gold Medal and a citation. The award is given at an interval of two years. Partial support for the recipient's travel to the venue of the meeting and full local hospitality during the period of the meeting will be provided by the Society.

2. Nomination Criteria

Young astronomers with exceptional achievements and promise are eligible for the award. The scientific achievements may be in any branch of astronomy, astrophysics and related fields. There are no restrictions on nationality. Work done prior to 31 December of the nomination period only will be considered.

3. Application  

All nominations for the award  must  be received by the ASI, by the deadline as indicated on the website of the ASI. The nominations may be made by Heads of Institutions, Directors of Observatories, Heads of Departments or Senior scientists. A nominator can submit only a single application for the award.

For the award year 2024, the nominations for the award must be received by 25th Nov 2024 (closed). The date of birth of the nominee should be on or after 1st Jan 1989. For women candidates the date of birth of the nominee should be on or after 1st Jan 1986. Work done prior to 31 December 2023 will only be considered.

Each nomination, including all the supporting documents, should be submitted online in the following format:

  1. Name of Nominee
  2. Details of Nominee
    1. Affiliation
    2. Address for correspondence
    3. Date of birth
    4. Email-address
    5. Phone number
  3. Nomination letter with signature and date
  4. Academic qualifications
  5. Major scientific achievements on which the nomination is based
  6. List of publications
  7. Links to publications relevant to the recommendation
  8. Citations of relevance
  9. Any other information pertaining to the scientific excellence of the nominee
  10. Details of proposer
    1. Name
    2. Designation and Affiliation
    3. Address for correspondence,
    4. Email id
    5. Phone number

Online form to receive nominations is closed.

4. Selection Process

A five member Award Selection Committee (ASC) is constituted by the ASI ensuring technical and gender representation. Each member of the ASC receives all nominations along with the supporting material. The ASC will communicate the result of its deliberations to the ASI council within three months  following the submission deadline.

5. Announcement of the Award

The successful nominee should be informed of the decision of the ASI council and be asked to receive the award and deliver the Vainu Bappu Memorial lecture during the following ASI meeting.

This award was instituted in the year 1986, and the following is the list of awardees:

Year Name of the Awardee
2024 Dr. Anupam Bhardwaj (IUCAA)
2024 Dr. Joe Philip Ninan (TIFR)
2022 Dr. Eve J. Lee (McGill University, Canada)
2020 Dr. Shriharsh Tendulkar (TIFR and NCRA)
2018 Not Awarded
2016 Dr. Varun Bhalerao, IIT, Bombay, India
2014 Dr. Nikku Madhusudan, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
2012 Dr. Luca Cortese, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
2010 Dr. Marta Burgay,Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, Italy & Dr. Parampreet Singh, Louisiana State University, USA
2008 Dr. Nissim Kanekar, NCRA-TIFR, Pune, India & Dr. Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada
2006 Dr. Banibrata Mukhopadhyay, IISC, Bangalore
2004 Dr. R. Srianand, IUCAA, Pune, India & Dr. Ray Jayawardhana, Univ. Toronto, Canada
2002 Dr. Brian P. Schmidt, Australia
2000 Dr. Biswajit Paul, India & Dr. Alycia J. Weinberger, USA
1998 Dr. Peter Martinez, South Africa
1996 Dr. Sarbani Basu, USA
1994 Dr. Mathew Colless, Australia
1992 Dr. Pawan Kumar, USA
1990 Dr. D.J. Saikia, India & Dr. D. Bhattacharya, India
1988 Dr. G.P. Efstathiou, UK & Dr. Srinivas R. Kulkarni, USA
1986 Dr. Y. Fukui, Japan