Name: Sree Bhattacherjee
Affiliation: Tezpur University
Conference ID : ASI2022_270
Title : An overview of the X-ray transient universe
Authors : Sree Bhattacherjee ^1 and Biplob Sarkar^2, (1,2)Department of Applied Sciences, Tezpur University, Napaam-784028, Tezpur, Assam
Abstract Type: Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic Astronomy
Abstract : Abstract: Over the last 50 years, X-ray observations have been a significant part of our time-domain astronomy. After rigorous research, the temporal variability in the X-ray sources as well as their shapes in the X-ray sky was found to carry crucial information about nature. Centaurus X-2 was the first X-ray transient to be discovered in May,1967 during a rocket flight, whereas it was not there during the last exploration at that part of the X-ray wave region during 1965, and it astonishingly disappeared when it was again scanned in Sept,1967. Shortly after this, many sources started to show similar behavior and due to such behavior of randomly appearing and fade away, then again reappearing in the X-ray wave band, it is named as ‘X-ray transient’, which along with its literal meaning as well as behavior manifests the dynamic behavior of our universe. In this paper we are also going to discuss the types of X-ray transients. We will also concentrate on the recurrent outbursts, which generally take place in Soft X-ray transients (SXT) which is one of the types of the X-ray transients. It will also be seen how SXTs are helpful for the investigation of the physics of the mass accretion flow taking the mass accretion rate as the function. Key words: X-ray transient, recurrent outbursts, Soft X-ray transient, mass accretion rate. References: [1] De Luca, A., et al., EXTraS: exploring the X-ray transient and variable sky, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 650, June 2021. [2] Shaw, Charles, Finding and Understanding the X-ray transients, Astronomy and Geophysics, Volume 54, Issue 6, Pages 6.22–6.26, December 2013. [3] Eric M. Schlegel, The Restless Universe: Understanding X-ray Astronomy in the Age of Chandra and Newton, Oxford University Press,2002. [4] Juhan Frank, Andrew King, Derek Raine, Accretion Power in Astrophysics, Cambridge University Press, 2002.