Bidya Binay Karak (IIT (BHU)), Bibhuti Kumar Jha (ARIES), Dipankar Banerjee (ARIES), Nandita Srivastava (USO/PRL)

The solar activity, as seen in the forms of sunspots, coronal mass ejections, solar flares, eruptions, solar wind, energetic particles, irradiation variations etc, is driven by the variable magnetic field. While the polarity of the Sun's field flips in about 11 years, the strength of the field has a considerable variation. Besides this cycle-to-cycle variation, the extreme variation of the solar activity in the form of grand minima (e.g., Maunder minimum) and the grand maxima (e.g., Modern maximum) are also seen. Due to these variations, the prediction of solar activity is an extremely challenging task. Thus, not only to understand the origins of various forms of solar activity but also to make an accurate prediction of future activity level, we need to study the Sun on a time-scale beyond 11 years. Various observatories across the globe, including India’s oldest observatory, Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, provide long-term data of many proxies of solar magnetic field (e.g., sunspot number, area, chromospheric emissions) and activity (e.g., solar wind, flare, CME, aurorae, coronal holes). Theoretical studies are being conducted to explain the causes of various aspects of solar activity and its long-term variations. Dynamo modelling, helioseismology and irradiation modelling are some examples that have achieved considerable success in this respect. Therefore, it's an exciting time to bring the theoreticians, observers, modellers, and engineers from various subfields of solar and space physics to discuss the status of long-term studies, to exchange their ideas, how to cross-calibrate different observations and utilize the data in various models to better understand and constrain the theoretical models.

With this motivation we propose a one-day Workshop during the meeting of the ASI-2022 to primarily address the following topics:

  1. Availabilities of different ground and space-based data suitable for long-term studies, with special attention to Kodaikanal Solar Observatory datasets,
  2. Understanding and modelling various aspects of solar activity, including the estimation of solar and interplanetary parameters,
  3. Connecting models with data and constraining various parameters of the models, and modelling the long-term variations of solar activity,
  4. Effects of solar activity on space weather and the prediction of solar activity.

Participation and Tentative Schedule: Anyone actively working in solar and space physics will be considered in this workshop. PhD students, postdocs and early-carrier scientists will be highly encouraged.

Program: Please click here

Abstract Submission:  For Workshop 3, we are planning to host about 10 contributed talks (12+3 minutes) in addition to 6 invited talks and some posters. Those who are actively working in long-term studies of solar and space physics are encouraged to submit abstracts in this workshop. One participant can submit a maximum of one abstract. The deadline for the Abstract submission is  31st January 2022. The workshop organisers will select the abstracts for talks and posters based on their relevance to the workshop. Please note that this abstract is only for Workshop 3.

No. of expected Participants: 50

Workshop Resources: 
IIT (BHU) and ARIES will host the Workshop.