Conference ID : ASI2022_522
Title : Long term X-ray flux Distribution of Scorpius X-1 using RXTE-ASM Dwell and MAXI observations
Authors : Kabita Deka, Zahir Ahmad Shah, Ranjeev Misra & Gazi Ameen Ahmed
Abstract Type: Poster*
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : We present the flux distribution study of low-mass X-ray binary and Z source Scorpius X-1. In the color-color diagram, it exhibits a Z-shaped track that displayed three branches, corresponding to three different spectral states named as horizontal, normal, and flaring branches. It also varies on timescales of minute to hours. We studied the long-term flux distribution of Scorpius X-1 using RXTE ASM Dwell and MAXI archival light curves in three energy bands. Our motivation is to find out different probability distributions that correspond to these three spectral states. The flux histograms were fitted with two and three-component models. Fitting the flux distribution with three components provides a significant result. Each of the spectral states is better fitted by a log-normal distribution, rather than a Gaussian one.