Name: Naveen Dukiya
Affiliation: Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
Conference ID : ASI2022_527
Title : Identifying astrometric calibrators in the forthcoming ILMT survey strip
Authors : Naveen Dukiya (ARIES), Kuntal Misra (ARIES), Bikram Pradhan (ISRO), Jean Surdej (Liège University)
Abstract Type: Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : The International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT) is a 4-meter class survey telescope expected to achieve first light in spring 2022. It scans the sky in a fixed 27′ wide strip centered at the declination of +29°22′26′′ and works in Time Delay Integration (TDI) mode. In this work, we present a full catalogue of sources in the ILMT strip that will serve as astrometric calibrators and will be infused in the data reduction pipeline. The sources for astrometric calibration are extracted from Gaia EDR3 as it provides a very precise measurement of astrometric properties such as RA (α), dec (δ), parallax (π) and proper motions (μɑ* & μδ). We have crossmatched ~4.5 million sources from the Gaia EDR3 that lie within the ILMT strip with SDSS DR16 and PanSTARRS1 DR2 to build the catalogue and get the photometric magnitudes of these sources in g′,r′ and i′ filters. We also present a catalogue of spectroscopically confirmed white dwarfs with SDSS observations that can serve as photometric calibrators. The catalogues generated are stored in SQLite database for query based access.