Dear Colleagues and Friends,

You may be aware that a Teaching Learning Centre (TLC) has been established at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) under the PMMMNMTT scheme, with Sanjit Mitra as its Co-ordinator. As you are aware IUCAA was established to promote the growth of Astronomy and Astrophysics in Indian Universities with Jayant Narlikar as its Founder Director. Amongst the objectives, the TLC at IUCAA "aims to develop courses, experiments and other pedagogic material for astronomy education and outreach at various levels" for use in colleges and universities across the country.

One of the initial steps is to take stock of where we stand now, and see how best we can further develop Astronomy and Astrophysics in the University sector, which also includes Autonomous Colleges and Institutes. Could we request you for a bit of your time to fill in the questionnaire titled "Astronomy and Astrophysics in Indian Higher Educational Institutions"? This is available via the Google form:

Could we also request you to circulate this form amongst your colleagues and friends in other institutions as well, so that we do get a large number of responses?

-D. j. Saikia