Title: Strange New Worlds: The Exploration of ExoPlanets
We invite you to apply for the upcoming Strange New Worlds: The Exploration of ExoPlanets workshop.
Workshop Website: https://www.iiserpune.ac.in/events/3515/exoplanet-conference-at-iiser-pune
Workshop Dates: The workshop dates are from August 17 - 19, 2023. The application deadline is May 15, 2023.
Workshop Location: The Workshop will be held at IISER Pune, in Pune, India.
The goal of this workshop is to take advantage of diverse expertise in exoplanets that exists both in India and abroad, promote collaborations to develop modeling tools and properly interpret the incoming data, and seek partnerships between institutions to develop high-impact science. They would encompass a diverse range of topics, including:
- Planetary formation
- Dynamical evolution of exoplanets
- Planetary interiors and surfaces
- Star-planet interactions
- Exoplanet detection techniques and demographics
- Planetary atmospheres and their evolution
- Habitability and Origin of life
- Bio- and technosignature detection
Who should apply: We particularly encourage early career scientists, and under represented groups to participate in the workshop. We also encourage scientists, postdocs, and graduate students in India working on exoplanet-related topics or interested in working in the field to apply. The attendance is limited to ~100 participants to maximize the connections.
Thanking you,
Joe Ninan