The deadline for receiving the nominations for all the awards has been extended upto 22nd Oct 2020.

Nominations are invited for the "Justice Oak best thesis award" for the year 2020

The Astronomical Society of India gives the Justice V. G. Oak Award every year for an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in Astronomy and related areas, by a student working for a Ph.D. in India. The nominations for this award may be made by senior scientists, directors or heads of institutes or observatories engaged in research in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary sciences and allied fields. The thesis should have been formally submitted in the calendar year (Jan to Dec) preceding the year of the award (The thesis should have been submitted in the calendar year Jan to Dec, 2019 for award year 2020). The candidate should have successfully defended the thesis and all formalities for award of degree must be completed at the time of nomination.

The objective of the award is to encourage excellence amongst research students in India, and the awardee is selected by a Committee appointed by ASI for the purpose. The nominations should include a summary of the scientific work constituting the thesis, a statement regarding why the nominator considers the thesis outstanding, the curriculum vitae of the candidate and a letter signed by the nominator.

The last date for receipt of nominations is 22nd Oct 2020. Nominations should be sent in electronic format to the Secretary of the society at


Nominations are invited for Professor M. K. Vainu Bappu Gold Medal (2020)

The Astronomical Society of India has instituted a fund in the memory of Professor M. K. Vainu Bappu with the objectives to promote knowledge of Astronomy and Astrophysics and honour the contributions made by young scientists, normally not beyond 35 years of age, from any part of the world, in the field of astronomy and astrophysics. As a token of appreciation of the scientist's contribution to astronomy and astrophysics, the Astronomical Society of India awards the Professor M.K. Vainu Bappu Gold Medal and a citation. The award is given at intervals of two years.

The recipient of the medal shall be required to deliver the Vainu Bappu memorial lecture at a meeting of the Society. Partial support for the recipient's travel to the venue of the meeting and full local hospitality during the period of the meeting will be provided by the Society. Young astronomers with exceptional achievements and promise are eligible for the award. The scientific achievements may be in any branch of astronomy, astrophysics and related fields. There are no restrictions on nationality.

Nominations for the 2020 award are invited. Work done prior to 31 December 2019 only will be considered.
The nomination may be made in the following format:
1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. Address for correspondence
4. Date of birth
5. Academic qualifications
6. Major scientific achievements on which the nomination is based
7. List of publications
8. Reprints relevant to the recommendation
9. Citations of relevance
10. Any other information pertaining to the scientific excellence of the nominee
11. Name and designation of the proposer along with the address for correspondence
12. Signature of the proposer with date

The nominations may be made by heads of institutions, directors of observatories, heads of departments or senior scientists. Each nomination, including all the supporting documents, should be submitted by email to the Secretary of the society ( by 22nd Oct 2020. A list of previous awardees is available at


Nominations are invited for the "Laxminarayana & Nagalaxmi Modali Award" for the year 2020

The Astronomical Society of India has instituted the Laxminarayana & Nagalaxmi Modali Award, with the objectives to promote knowledge of Astronomy and Astrophysics and honor the contributions made by young scientists, normally not beyond 45 years of age. This award is for citizens of India engaged in research in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The nominations for this award may be made by senior scientists, directors or heads of institutes or observatories engaged in research in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary sciences and allied fields. This award carries a cash prize of Rs 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only), awarded annually for notable and outstanding research, applied for any branch of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Prize is awarded on the basis of experimental/scientific research contributions made through work done primarily in India during the 10 years preceding the year of the Prize. The recipient of the award shall be required to deliver a special lecture at the annual meeting of the Society. Young astronomers with exceptional achievements and promise are eligible for the award.

The last date for receiving nominations is 22nd Oct 2020 .

The nomination is to be sent as a single pdf document to the Secretary, ASI at

1. Name
2. Affiliation
3. Address for correspondence
4. Date of birth
5. Academic qualifications
6. Major scientific achievements on which the nomination is based
7. List of publications
8. Reprints relevant to the recommendation
9. Citations of relevance
10. Any other information pertaining to the scientific excellence of the nominee
11. Name and designation of the proposer along with the address for correspondence
12. Signature of the proposer with date

More details on the award can be found from the link


Nominations are invited for the "ASI Zubin Kembhavi Award for 2020"

The annual ASI Zubin Kembhavi award is given alternately for work done in the fields of "Observational and Instrumentation work in Astronomy and allied fields" and "Public Outreach and Education in Astronomy and allied fields". For the year 2020 the ASI Zubin Kembhavi award will be given for work done in "Public Outreach and Education in Astronomy and allied fields". The recipient of the award, or a representative when the award is made to a group, will be invited to deliver a special lecture at the annual meeting of the Society.

The award carries a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh) awarded annually for notable and important contributions to the areas it addresses. The prize can be awarded to individuals or groups on the basis of work done primarily in India. There will be no age limit.

The nominations for this award may be made by senior scientists, academics, directors of institutes or observatories and vice-chancellors of universities. The nomination may be made in the following format:

1. Name of the individual or group
2. Affiliation(s)
3. Address, email id and cell phone number of the nominee or representative of the group
4. Academic qualifications of individual nominee or nature of the group
6. Major work on which the nomination is based
7. List of publications and/or reports
8. A few Important reprints and /or reports relevant to the recommendation
9. Citations of relevance
10. Any other information pertaining to the suitability of the nominee or group for the award
11. Name and designation of the proposer along with the address for correspondence, email id and phone number
12. Covering letter with signature of the proposer with date

The nomination is to be sent as a single pdf document to the Secretary, ASI at Nominations once made will remain valid for two cycles of the award.

The first award ceremony was held at the annual meeting of the ASI in February 2019 in the area of Public Outreach and Education in Astronomy and allied fields, and the second at the annual meeting of the ASI in February 2020 in the area of Observational and Instrumentation work in Astronomy and allied fields.

The last date for receiving nominations is 22nd Oct 2020

For more information on the award please click on the link

Nominations are invited for the "New Discovery Award" for the year 2020

In order to recognize and appreciate the achievements of the Indian astronomers, the society has instituted an award for the discoveries of comets, asteroids, novae, supernovae and any other astrophysical objects or phenomena. This award consists of a cash prize of Rs.10000/-, a medal and a citation. It is called the New Discovery Award.

The prerequisite for this award is that the discovery should have been made by an Indian national or a team lead by an Indian national, in India. The proof and authenticity of the discovery should be provided by the one who stakes claim for the award. There is no age restriction for this award.
The nominations for this award may be made by heads of institutions, directors of observatories, heads of departments or senior scientists.The nomination, including all supporting documents, should be sent as a single pdf document to the Secretary, ASI at

The last date for receiving nominations is 22nd Oct 2020