The Astronomical Society of India is pleased to announce the release of the inaugural lecture of the much anticipated lecture series titled "Astronomy and Astrophysics: An Introductory Survey". Aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, this series of talks by renowned astrophysicist and teacher, Prof G. Srinivasan, starts from first principles of Physics, and builds up the subject rigorously to the present state of our understanding. This comprehensive lecture series will span a large range of topics and will be a treat for young and enthusiastic students and seasoned practitioners alike. This series is being organised as a part of ASI's golden jubilee celebrations.

Link for the Website
Link for Youtube playlist

These lectures will be available on the ASI YouTube channel and will be accompanied by a problem set and a suggested reading list for every lecture. The first of these lectures is available on the 29th of April, 2022 (today) and we plan to release a new lecture every Friday.

More information about the lecture series and Prof. Srinivasan can be found from the website and a poster about the same is attached. We also seek your help in spreading the word about this series, especially in the student community. This series is also supported by the IAU OAE Centre in India.

With regards,
Team ASI-50