
Young Astronomers' Meet (YAM) is an annual gathering of PhD students working on astronomy and astrophysics. YAM is an excellent platform for PhD students at various institutes and universities across the country to network and form new collaborations. We are delighted to announce that the 2022 edition of YAM will be held in hybrid mode at ARIES, Nainital during 9-13 November. We will have a series of events at this gathering, including contributory talks, invited talks, poster presentations and e-posters. We are also planning visits to the telescopes at our institute and hands on observing sessions with them.

We request you to kindly circulate this information among the PhD students at your institutes and departments. We will be glad to provide any further information. The registration form is available on the web link below.

YAM webpage:

We hope to meet in November.

Co-ordinator, YAM-2022;
ARIES, Nainital;

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