We are pleased to announce that the LSSTC Data Science Fellowship Program is now accepting applications for new students at astrodatascience.org!

The LSSTC Data Science Fellowship Program (DSFP) is a supplement to graduate education in astronomy, intended to teach astronomy students essential skills for dealing with big data. You don't need to know anything about data science to apply, you just need to be excited to learn!

The DSFP consists of three, one-week schools per year over a two year period. On top of teaching our students the skills they need for modern survey astronomy, we also aim to create a collaborative, supportive learning environment, and work to empower our students to teach the skills they learn to others. We strive to create an inclusive program, and particularly encourage applications from students from traditionally underrepresented groups in astronomy.

Please visit astrodatascience.org to learn more!

Lucianne Walkowicz, Director
Adam Miller, Program Director