It is our pleasure to inform you that we are organizing an International Conference on Infrared Astronomy and Astrophysical Dust (IRAAD 2019) during October 22 - 25, 2019 at IUCAA, Pune. During this 2019 conference we plan to have one session dedicated to the memory of Prof. N.V. Voshchinnikov.

Some of you have already consented to be part of the event and be members of the Scientific Organizing Committee. Our web pages are loaded at and I request you to please visit and invite your comments and advise regarding -
Invited Speakers, Sessions etc.

I also hope that most of the SOC members will be able to attend and deliver review lectures.

Kind regards,
Ranjan Gupta, IUCAA &
Shantanu Rastogi, Gorakhpur University
Co-Chairs, SOC, IRAAD 2019