The 2018 GROWTH Winter School in Time Domain Astronomy was held at IIT Bombay. We are delighted to announce that the educational resources from the 2018 GROWTH astronomy school are now online at and available for download by students and educators around the world. Our astronomy school is designed to train graduate and advanced undergraduate students in time-domain astronomy in observational techniques and tools for follow up of transient events across the electromagnetic spectrum.

The resources include recordings of introductory lectures and a set of 12 hands-on modules that contain Python notebooks, sample datasets and instructions on how to run them independently. The topic of each module is listed below.

(Note: some versions of Firefox do not show the video thumbnails on the right. To see them, disable content blocking for that site using the shield icon in the left of your URL bar).

1: Python Basics
2: Gravitational Wave Localization and Galaxy Crossmatch
3: Observing Run Preparation
4: X-ray Analysis
5: Image Reduction
6: UV/Optical/IR Photometry
7: Image Subtraction
8: Optical/IR Spectra
9: Light Curve Analysis
10: Asteroids
11 &12: Radio Analysis I &II

Anyone can download the materials from our website at

GROWTH (Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen, is an international collaboration consisting of 16 international partners from 9 countries that jointly conduct frontier research in time-domain astronomy. The Indian partners are IIA and IIT Bombay, supported by the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) and the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (