B. S. Shylaja Name: Dr. B. S. Shylaja
Affiliation: Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium Bengaluru
Email : hrp302@gmail.com
Membership Type : Life
Membership Number : 0508
Link for Personal Homepage : https://www.taralaya.org/b-s-shylaja.html
Profession : Faculty Member
Professional Status : 20-30 years since highest professional degree
Areas of Interest : Wolf-Rayet stars, chemically peculiar stars, novae, comets, asteroids History of astronomy - stone inscriptions, 1054, 1604 SN events, study of 17th century manuscripts, temple architecture, translation, editing and analysis of old manuscripts, Public Outreach and Education - courses, student projects, popular articles, books, text books, encyclopedia, planetariums, science centers